Saturday, December 29, 2007

Double dose of culture...

So I was able to get to the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art to check out the Edgerton Photography Exhibit before it closes tomorrow. You've all seen the stuff; super high-speed photography, much of it done way back in the 1930s:

Now this was WAY before computers (try to IMAGINE it, young people), so the methods they had to time the photography were ingenious indeed. After that, went and checked out the play/standup routine called "World of Jewtopia" which detailed all the funny things about being Jewish (or Gentile, for that matter). One funny part was where they put up a drawing of a restaurant and had the crowd figure not only where the only good table was located but also WHY the other tables were inadequate. Curiously enough, the crowd yelled out the correct answers for all of them (too close to the kitchen, to close to the drafty window, OUTDOORS, etc).

During the Q and A after, a young girl from the crowd mentioned that there were no cute Jewish men on Jdate. I assume this is because they are all trolling for shiksas on

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